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~にぶつかる 1の英語



  • 1. barge against
    2. brush (up) against
    3. collide with
    4. come up against
    5. conflict with
    6. go into
    7. knock one's head against [into]
    8. run into
    9. run one's head against
    10. run up against
    11. slam into
    12. strike against
    13. strike on ~にぶつかる 2
    1. bump
    2. thump
  • にぶ     にぶ 二部 two parts two copies the second part
  • ぶつ     ぶつ 仏 buddha Buddhism 勿 must not do not be not 打つ to hit to strike
  • つか     つか 束 handbreadth bundle 塚 mound 柄 hilt (of a sword) haft (of a dagger)
  • かる     かる 狩る to hunt 駆る to drive (car) to spur on to impel 刈る to cut (hair) to mow
  • つかる     つかる 漬かる to be pickled to be soaked
  • る 1     like to play the fool when someone is with〔主語が人といるとばかにな〕 る 2 be not like
  • ぶつかる     ぶつかる to strike to collide with
  • つかる 1     【自動】 soak つかる 2 have a soak〔風呂?水に〕
  • ぶつかる 1     1. cream into 2. jar with 3. knock together 4. knock up against 5. run into
  • 壁にぶつかる    1. blunder against the wall 2. bump against a wall 3. hit against a wall 4. knock into a wall 5. knock oneself against the wall 6. reach a plateau 7. run up against a brick wall 8. run up against a
  • 底にぶつかる    slam into the bottom of〔~の〕
  • 足にぶつかる    thump against one's leg〔何かを持って走ったりする時に〕
  • すぐに~にぶつかる    smack headlong into
  • まともにぶつかる    1. go smash into 2. run smash into
  • ドアにぶつかる    bang oneself against the door
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